CBD for Animals - Picture Dog Sleeping

Relaxed New Year's Eve: CBD for animals to calm down

We associate New Year's Eve with fun, champagne, partying and, of course, fireworks to ring in the new year. For our four-legged friends, however, the turn of the year is less cause for celebration.

Dogs in particular, but also cats, are often stressed, overwhelmed or anxious on New Year's Eve due to the loud noises.

To help you make them as comfortable as possible this year, we have summarised 5 useful tips for you. Including the use of CBD for animals.

Why do our animals fare so badly on New Year's Eve?

It is not without reason that the number of pets that escape on New Year's Eve is more than three times higher than on normal days (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 2020). Animals have a far more developed sense of hearing than humans, which is why they react more sensitively to increased environmental stimuli.

Especially the extreme volume of the fireworks and their sudden appearance triggers their fight-or-flight reaction.

This is accompanied by increased neurological functions such as a racing heartbeat, the release of adrenaline and the release of hormones, causing them to panic. 

5 tips for a more relaxed New Year's Eve for humans and animals

1. CBD for calming

CBD can help animals with this panic and help to calm them down. The active ingredient can help to rebalance increased bodily functions.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the successful use of CBD for complaints such as stress, sleep disorders, pain and inflammation has already been confirmed in a large number of studies. 

What is CBD?

CBD is a cannabinoid extracted from the flowers of the hemp plant.

These cannabinoids have been used for centuries, especially in the treatment of ailments. They are similar to the substances in the endocannabinoid system, a part of the nervous system, and can therefore have a positive influence on it.

Due to the stigma of the cannabis drug, CBD and its positive effects were long forgotten. Nowadays, industrial hemp and CBD are experiencing a renaissance thanks to intensive educational work and a reform of the legal situation.

How do I dose CBD for animals correctly?

As with humans, CBD has different effects on animals, regardless of breed or species.

Instead of giving your pet CBD oil to calm them down on New Year's Eve itself, it is advisable to start taking it daily a week beforehand. On the day itself, the oil should be taken around 30 minutes before the fireworks begin. 

The dosage itself depends on the weight of your pet. 1-5 mg CBD per 5 kg weight is recommended. The oil can be dripped directly into the mouth or mixed into their food. It is best to start low and observe the pet's reaction.

On New Year's Eve, two or even three times this amount can be given. It should also be noted that cats should not be given full-spectrum oil with terpenes. If in doubt, it is advisable to consult your vet. 

Will my pet get high from CBD?

The quick answer is a clear no. CBD oil contains no hallucinogenic substances and can intoxicate neither humans nor animals.

Hemp grown for the drug marijuana contains the active ingredient THC, which is responsible for the intoxicating effect.

CBD oil, on the other hand, is extracted from industrial hemp, which may have a negligible maximum THC content of 0.3%. 

2. really work out

Plan a long walk for your dog on New Year's Eve. Bring a ball to fetch so that he is both physically and mentally occupied.

A laser pointer or feather duster is ideal for cats. This exhausts them before the fireworks and makes it less likely that they will panic. This is because anxiety requires a large amount of energy, and if this is lacking, the risk is also lower.

Loud, louder, loudest!

Turn up the TV or music before midnight so that the fireworks come as less of a surprise and are masked by other loud noises.

It is best to acclimatise your pet to louder noises during the course of the year so that it is less jumpy.

4. games and cuddles

During the fireworks themselves, you should pay a lot of attention to your pet. Distraction in the form of games and affection through intensive stroking can give your pet a sense of security.

A new toy in particular can attract the attention of your four-legged friend. It can also be helpful to make the sleeping area extra comfortable with blankets and cushions.

5. out of the city

If you have the opportunity, pack up your favourite four-legged friend and spend the night together in a more secluded spot in the countryside.

The odd firecracker or firecracker may also be shot there, but the impact on your cat or dog is far less far away from the city. 

You want to give your four-legged friend a stress-free New Year's Eve with CBD this year?
For man's best friend we recommend our CBD Oil 5%. Hempion's CBD oil contains hemp oil as a carrier, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acid, vegetable protein and vitamins.

Note: As our CBD oil is full spectrum, it is suitable for dogs, but not for cats!  
