Milk alternative from hemp - hemp milk

Recipe for hemp milk - the milk alternative

Hemp milk is the ideal milk alternative Full of vital substances

Milk alternatives are very much in vogue: as a substitute for animal milk, they protect the environment and are generally better for our bodies. You can read about the most important reasons at the end of our recipe article. The following points also speak for the use of hemp milk as a milk alternative:

  • Easy to make from domestic, hulled hemp seeds 
  • Provides for healthy cells and Performance thanks to the omega-3 and omega-6 fats, which are contained in the optimal ratio
  • Very good compatible: Rich in high quality, easily digestible protein as well as vitamins and minerals.
  • Alternative for allergy sufferers, e.g. in case of cow's milk and soy allergy


With its slightly nutty taste, hemp milk is very tasty and can also be used in the kitchen as a versatile substitute for milk. Of course, the freshly prepared milk alternative is particularly valuable and, if possible, preferable to ready-made products.
Hemp milk is vegan and free from lactose, milk protein, soy, cholesterol and gluten.

Ingredients per 100 ml water

  • 1 tbsp (10g) Organic hulled hemp seeds
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Depending on taste, a sweetener such as dates, coconut blossom sugar or honey
  • Cinnamon, vanilla, turmeric for refinement

Time commitment:

5 minutes total time.

Difficulty level:


Making hemp milk


  1. Use one tablespoon of hemp seeds per 100 ml of water
  2. Put all ingredients in the blender
  3. Blend in the blender on high speed until creamy
  4. Then fill the hemp milk into a bottle or enjoy it straight away.

The finished hemp milk can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days. The ingredients of the milk can settle over time, which is why it is best to store your hemp drink in a well-sealed container and shake it vigorously before consumption.

Average nutritional content (per 100 ml): 

Energy  63.5 kcal / 262.7 kJ
Fat 5,5 g
- thereof saturated fatty acids 0,5 g
- thereof monounsaturated fatty acids 0,7 g
- thereof polyunsaturated fatty acids 4,4 g
Protein 3,0 g
Carbohydrates 0,3 g
Dietary fibre 2,5 g

Why is hemp milk good for me?

Above all, the hemp seeds as true power packs make the milk alternative valuable. Besides easily digestible Protein with the full amino acid spectrum, the hemp seeds also contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in an ideal ratio. In particular, the combination of gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, and the contained vitamin E are like a " Fountain of youth" for the body cells. In addition, hemp milk contains Potassium, magnesium and secondary plant compounds.

Should I prefer milk alternatives even if I am not allergic?

Even as a non-allergic person, you ideally see cow's milk as a luxury food and consequently use more plant-based alternatives. In this context, however, one point plays a very important role: dhe quality of the milk. There are serious differences here, whereby of course the fresh milk from the farmer around the corner is considered more valuable than the heated "industrial milk", which can be kept for months.
Nevertheless Almost all milk substitutes lack calciumwhich can be absorbed, for example, through legumes.

Most important reasons for milk alternatives

The most important points for more vitality by giving up milk are as follows:

  •  With increasing age lacks the Enzyme lactasewhich is necessary to break down the lactose. This can lead to the Intestine more strained by milk consumption and digestive problems arise. Furthermore, also Milk protein the Digestion and the Strain intestine. Since the gut is an essential part of the immune system, sufferers feel weaker and get sick more quickly. 
  • People with Allergies and Chronic health problems report positive results from consistently giving up milk. This also includes the Hempions founders Daniel Meier and Fabian Braitschwho avoid milk and dairy products as much as possible. With hemp as an alternative, the two athletes have allergies, skin diseases and inflammations under control.
  • According to studies, cow's milk increases the risk, acne and other skin diseases to develop.
  • Moreover, a study links the consumption of milk, in particular Whey products, with Obesity, diabetes and Acne in connection. Milk consumption also increases the risk of contracting diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's to fall ill.


Adebamowo el al, High school dietary dairy intake and teenage acne
Melnik et al, Evidence for Acne-Promoting Effects of Milk and Other Insulinotropic Dairy Products
Centre of Health, Milk is unhealthy
