With WasteReduction to plastic neutrality

Why we cannot do without plastic completely

We are asked time and again why we still sell our products wrapped in plastic, even though we are so concerned about sustainability and our environment. The answer is simply that we are not allowed to. Food safety laws provide clear guidelines to ensure consumer safety.

We didn't want to just accept this and looked for a way to make the topic of packaging at Hempions as sustainable as possible. We did this together with WasteReduction made it.

Plastic neutral with WasteReduction

When WasteReduction founder Martin was still in the middle of his studies, we shared with him our desire to fight plastic. Together we led a Packaging changeover for our hemp Hamesan for a better circulatory capacity through. This made us the first partner of WasteReduction and our Hamesan has since been proud to be their plastic neutral+ Wear label.

Hempions plastic neutral

For every package with the plastikneutral+ label, nature is saved from the same amount of other plastic waste and existing plastic waste is collected from the environment. In addition, for prevention Education and enlightenment with children around plastics and environmental protection, and in Research and innovation projects invested. The + in the label stands for doing much more than simply offsetting the plastic footprint for the environment.

Paper packaging - often more appearance than reality

Real sustainability is often not perceived as such by consumers. Paper is good, plastic is bad. In reality, this is often not the case. Due to current food protection laws need Most foodstuffs are protected against germs and moisture by a Plastic barrier. The products are visually perceived as ecological through their paper packaging, but have an additional plastic layer inside. As soon as two materials are joined together, we speak of multilayers, which today are generally not recycled but only thermally recovered.

For our Hemp Hamesan we have opted for a Plastic mono-material which, although visually less sustainable, has a Fully recyclable is. We want to live true sustainability and also educate consumers so that we can all do our part.

More about WasteReduction and our joint partnership you will find here.