Fabian Braitsch

Fabian loves getting to know new people and cultures. The European Ski Cup winner is responsible for sales and marketing at Hempions. He also runs the business at Hempions together with his brother Florian. Fabian always has a smile on his face, is determined and loves to travel all over the world.

Hemp Plum Cake

Hemp Plum Cake

Der Klassiker zur Zwetschgensaison mit der besonderen Hanfnote Im Vergleich zu der klassischen Version des Kuchens wird in der Hanfvariante ein Teil des Mehls mit Bio Hanfprotein High Fiber ersetzt. Dies führt zu einem erhöhten Gehalt an Ballaststoffen und Protein sowie zu einem geringeren Kaloriengehalt. Der süß-saure Geschmack der Zwetschgen kommt außerdem besonders gut durch […]

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Hemp and CBD for migraine

Hemp and CBD for migraines: natural relief

Say goodbye to migraines with hemp and CBD! Find out how CBD effectively relieves migraine symptoms and improves your quality of life. Overview A well-known remedy for migraines as early as the 19th century In 1892, Dr William Osler, one of the best-known physicians in the United States at the time, recommended the use of hemp for migraine attacks. In combination

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Hemp - the allergy friend


Hemp is particularly popular with allergy sufferers for several reasons. On the one hand, this is because hemp is naturally gluten and lactose-free and there are generally no known allergies to hemp. Secondly, hemp's valuable ingredients strengthen the body so well that allergic reactions are minimised or even completely eliminated. Overview What

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Nutritional miracle hemp seeds

Hemp seeds peeled open

Hanfsamen sind die Grundlage für die Herstellung von geschälten Hanfsamen, Hanföl, Hanfprotein und vielen weiteren wertvollen Lebensmitteln. Die kleinen Samen schmecken fantastisch und zeichnen sich vor allem durch ihren milden, nussigen Geschmack aus. Hanfsamen stecken voller Eiweiß, wertvollen Fetten und einer Vielzahl an Vitalstoffen und sind somit sehr gesund.  Übersicht Hanf begeistert als regionales und

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Hemp history

The history of hemp

As one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, hemp has played an important role in human history for thousands of years. Overview The origin of hemp Hemp in Europe Hemp was indispensable for centuries Why hemp lost its importance The origin of hemp Hemp originally comes from Central Asia and travelled via the Near East to Europe, Africa and America. To the

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Basic knowledge about hemp

Hemp fieldPetting 1

Hemp, often called cannabis, is one of the oldest useful plants on earth. Humans have been using this valuable crop in countless areas for over 10,000 years. Hemp is robust, grows particularly quickly and can be cultivated around the globe. This is why cannabis has been one of the most important agricultural crops for thousands of years. Hemp is

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Why is hemp so valuable?

HempAsAvaluablePlant 1

Hemp has a long tradition as a crop plant and is one of the oldest and most versatile plants in the world. In addition, the hemp plant still offers great advantages in countless areas today. We are so convinced of hemp because no other plant offers so many possibilities and opportunities for a sustainable future. Nevertheless, the champion of all

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CBD - Cannabidiol

Discover cannabidiol: CBD trends 2024 " Hempions

Hemp is in vogue. The versatile plant is currently enjoying an enormous upswing in many areas. One ingredient is causing a particularly big stir: Cannabidiol, or CBD for short. Find out in this article: What is CBD? CBD is one of over 100 known cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are mainly found in the flowers of the hemp plant. The current

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